send()->getBody(); if (!preg_match('/^(\\d+)$/', $server)) { throw new Exception("Invalid upload server: {$server}"); } // Calculate file hash, we'll use it later to check upload if (false === ($hash = @md5_file($filename))) { throw new Exception("Cannot calculate MD5 hash of '{$filename}'"); } // Second step: upload a file to the available server $uploader = new HTTP_Request2( "http://rs{$server}", HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST ); // Adding the file $uploader->addUpload('filecontent', $filename); // This will tell server to return program-friendly output $uploader->addPostParameter('rsapi_v1', '1'); $response = $uploader->send()->getBody(); if (!preg_match_all('/^(File[^=]+)=(.+)$/m', $response, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { throw new Exception("Invalid response: {$response}"); } $rspAry = []; foreach ($m as $item) { $rspAry[$item[1]] = $item[2]; } // Check that uploaded file has the same hash if (empty($rspAry['File1.4'])) { throw new Exception("MD5 hash data not found in response"); } elseif ($hash != strtolower($rspAry['File1.4'])) { throw new Exception("Upload failed, local MD5 is {$hash}, uploaded MD5 is {$rspAry['File1.4']}"); } echo "Upload succeeded\nDownload link: {$rspAry['File1.1']}\nDelete link: {$rspAry['File1.2']}\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); } ?>