* Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Alexander Wirtz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * o Neither the name of the software nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * @category Web Services * @package Services_Weather * @author Alexander Wirtz * @copyright 2005-2011 Alexander Wirtz * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Services_Weather * @filesource */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the area, where you can customize the script //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $location = "Bonn, Germany"; // The city we want to fetch the data for. // Where the search function will look for // the ICAO database (generated with the // buildMetarDB.php script) $dsn = "sqlite://localhost//usr/local/lib/php/data/Services_Weather/servicesWeatherDB"; $sourceMetar = "http"; // This script will pull the METAR data via http $sourceTaf = "http"; // TAF $sourcePathMetar = ""; // Only needed when non-standard access is used $sourcePathTaf = ""; // $cacheType = ""; // Set a type (file, db, mdb, ...) to // enable caching. $cacheOpt = array(); // Cache needs various options, depending // on the container-type - please consult // the Cache manual / sourcecode! $unitsFormat = "metric"; // The format the units are displayed in - // metric, standard or some customization. $dateFormat = "j. M Y"; // Set the format the date is displayed in $timeFormat = "H:i"; // time //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load the Weather class require_once "Services/Weather.php"; // Object initialization - error checking is important, because of // handling exceptions such as missing PEAR modules $metar = &Services_Weather::service("Metar"); if (Services_Weather::isError($metar)) { die("Error: ".$metar->getMessage()."\n"); } // Set parameters for DB access, needed for location searches $metar->setMetarDB($dsn); if (Services_Weather::isError($metar)) { echo "Error: ".$metar->getMessage()."\n"; } // Initialize caching if (strlen($cacheType)) { $status = $metar->setCache($cacheType, $cacheOpt); if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) { echo "Error: ".$status->getMessage()."\n"; } } // Define the units format, bring the retrieved format into // something more common... $metar->setUnitsFormat($unitsFormat); $units = $metar->getUnitsFormat(); $units["temp"] = "°".strtoupper($units["temp"]); $units["wind"] = " ".str_replace("kmh", "km/h", $units["wind"]); $units["vis"] = " ".$units["vis"]; $units["height"] = " ".$units["height"]; $units["pres"] = " ".$units["pres"]; $units["rain"] = " ".$units["rain"]; $metar->setMetarSource($sourceMetar, $sourcePathMetar, $sourceTaf, $sourcePathTaf); // Set date-/time-format $metar->setDateTimeFormat($dateFormat, $timeFormat); // Search for defined location and fetch the first item found. // Bail out if something bad happens... $search = $metar->searchLocation($location, true); if (Services_Weather::isError($search)) { die("Error: ".$search->getMessage()."\n"); } // Retrieve data, store in variables, bail out on error $fetch = array( "location" => "getLocation", "weather" => "getWeather", "forecast" => "getForecast" ); foreach ($fetch as $variable => $function) { $$variable = $metar->$function($search); if (Services_Weather::isError($$variable)) { echo "Error: ".$$variable->getMessage()."\n"; continue; } } // Now we output all the data, please don't expect extensive comments here, this is basic // HTML/CSS stuff. Also this isn't a very fancy design, it's just to show you, what // the script is able to do (and more ;-))... ?> Services_Weather::METAR/TAF \n"; var_dump($location, $weather, $forecast); echo "\n"; } ?> Weather Forecast created with PEARs Services_Weather


Sunrise: Sunrise Sunset: Sunset    
Temperature: Dew point: Felt temperature: Trend:
$val) { switch ($key) { case "type": switch ($val) { case "NOSIG": $string = "No Significant Weather"; break; case "TEMPO": $string = "Temporary Weather"; break; case "BECMG": $string = "Weather Becoming"; break; } $value = ""; foreach (array("from", "to", "at") as $time) { if (isset($trend[$time])) { $value .= " ".$time." ".$trend[$time]; } } ($value != "") ? $value = trim($value).":":""; $string = ''.$string.''; $value = ''.$value.''; break; case "wind": $string = "Wind:"; $value = (strtolower($trend["windDirection"]) == "calm") ? "Calm" : "From the ".$trend["windDirection"]." (".$trend["windDegrees"]."°) at ".round($trend["wind"], 1).$units["wind"]; if (isset($trend["windVariability"])) { $value .= ", variable from ".$trend["windVariability"]["from"]."° to ".$trend["windVariability"]["to"]."°"; } if (isset($trend["windGust"])) { $value .= ", with gusts up to ".round($trend["windGust"], 1).$units["wind"]; } break; case "visibility": $string = "Visibility:"; $value = strtolower($trend["visQualifier"])." ".round($trend["visibility"], 1).$units["vis"]; break; case "clouds": $string = "Clouds:"; $value = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($val); $i++) { $cloud = ucwords($val[$i]["amount"]); if (isset($val[$i]["type"])) { $cloud .= " ".$val[$i]["type"]; } if (isset($val[$i]["height"])) { $cloud .= " at ".$val[$i]["height"].$units["height"]; } $value .= $cloud." "; } break; case "condition": $string = "Condition:"; $value = ucwords($val); break; case "pressure": $string = "Pressure:"; $value = round($val, 1).$units["pres"]; break; case "from": case "to": case "at": case "windDirection": case "windDegrees": case "windVariability": case "windGust": case "visQualifier": continue 2; default: $string = ""; $value = ""; var_dump($key, $val); break; } ?>
$val) { switch ($key) { case "autostation": case "presschg": case "nospeci": case "sunduration": case "maintain": $string = ""; $value = $val; break; case "seapressure": $string = "Pressure at sealevel:"; $value = round($val, 1).$units["pres"]; break; case "1htemp": $string = "Temperature for last hour:"; $value = round($val, 1).$units["temp"]; break; case "1hdew": $string = "Dew Point for last hour:"; $value = round($val, 1).$units["temp"]; break; case "6hmaxtemp": case "6hmintemp": if (!isset($weather["remark"]["6hmaxtemp"]) && !isset($weather["remark"]["6hmintemp"])) { continue(2); } $string = "Max/Min Temp for last 6 hours:"; $value = (isset($weather["remark"]["6hmaxtemp"])) ? round($weather["remark"]["6hmaxtemp"], 1).$units["temp"] : "-"; $value .= "/"; $value .= (isset($weather["remark"]["6hmintemp"])) ? round($weather["remark"]["6hmintemp"], 1).$units["temp"] : "-"; unset($weather["remark"]["6hmaxtemp"]); unset($weather["remark"]["6hmintemp"]); break; case "24hmaxtemp": case "24hmintemp": if (!isset($weather["remark"]["24hmaxtemp"]) && !isset($weather["remark"]["24hmintemp"])) { continue(2); } $string = "Max/Min Temp for last 24 hours:"; $value = (isset($weather["remark"]["24hmaxtemp"])) ? round($weather["remark"]["24hmaxtemp"], 1).$units["temp"] : "-"; $value .= "/"; $value .= (isset($weather["remark"]["24hmintemp"])) ? round($weather["remark"]["24hmintemp"], 1).$units["temp"] : "-"; unset($weather["remark"]["24hmaxtemp"]); unset($weather["remark"]["24hmintemp"]); break; case "snowdepth": $string = "Snow depth:"; $value = $val.$units["rain"]; break; case "snowequiv": $string = "Water equivalent of snow:"; $value = $val.$units["rain"]; break; case "sensors": $string = ""; $value = implode("
", $val); break; default: $string = ""; $value = ""; var_dump($key, $val); break; } ?>
Pressure: Humidity: %
Wind: variable from ".$weather["windVariability"]["from"]."° to ".$weather["windVariability"]["to"]."°" : ""?> with gusts up to ".round($weather["windGust"], 1).$units["wind"] : ""?> Visibility:
Current condition:
<?=isset($weather[" src="images/32x32/.png"> Clouds:

Clear Below convertDistance(12000, "ft", $units["height"]).$units["height"]?>
Forecast (TAF)
valid from to
0, "vis" => 0, "clouds" => 0, "cond" => 0); // Ok, the forecast is a bit more interesting, as I'm taking a few // precautions here so that the table isn't filled up to the max. // o If a value is repeated in the next major timeslot (not when // significant weather changes are processed), it's not printed // o Significant weather gets its own rows, with times printed normal // as in opposition to bold print for major timeslots // o The while($row)-construct below is for handling the significant // weather, as I point $row to $row["fmc"] afterwards, where the // smaller changes are mentioned for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($forecast["time"]); $i++) { $row = $forecast["time"][$times[$i]]; // Create timestamp $start = $times[$i]; if ($i + 1 < sizeof($forecast["time"])) { $end = $times[$i + 1]; } else { $end = substr($forecast["validRaw"], -2).":00"; $end = ($end == "24:00") ? "00:00" : $end; } $time = $start." - ".$end; $class = ' class="bold"'; // This is for outputting "Becoming", "Temporary" and such $fmc = isset($row["fmc"]) ? $row["fmc"] : false; $fmctype = ""; $fmccnt = 0; while ($row) { ?> at ".round($row["wind"], 1).$units["wind"]; if (isset($row["windProb"])) { $string .= " (".$row["windProb"]."% Prob.)"; } if ($string === $pre["wind"]) { $string = " "; } else { $pre["wind"] = $string; } } $class = ' class="bggrey"'; break; case "vis": if (!isset($row["visibility"])) { $string = " "; } else { $string = strtolower($row["visQualifier"])." ".round($row["visibility"], 1).$units["vis"]; if (isset($row["visProb"])) { $string .= " (".$row["visProb"]."% Prob.)"; } if ($string === $pre["vis"]) { $string = " "; } else { $pre["vis"] = $string; } } $class = ''; break; case "clouds": if (!isset($row["clouds"])) { $string = " "; } else { $clouds = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($row["clouds"]); $j++) { $cloud = ucwords($row["clouds"][$j]["amount"]); if (isset($row["clouds"][$j]["type"])) { $cloud .= " ".$row["clouds"][$j]["type"]; } if (isset($row["clouds"][$j]["height"])) { $cloud .= " at ".$row["clouds"][$j]["height"].$units["height"]; } if (isset($row["clouds"][$j]["prob"])) { $cloud .= " (".$row["clouds"][$j]["prob"]."% Prob.)"; } $clouds .= $cloud."
"; } if ($clouds === $pre["clouds"]) { $string = " "; } else { $string = $clouds; $pre["clouds"] = $clouds; } } $class = ' class="bggrey"'; break; case "cond": if (!isset($row["condition"]) || (isset($prerow) && $prerow["condition"] == $row["condition"])) { $string = " "; } else { $string = ucwords($row["condition"]); } $class = ''; } ?>
  Meteorological Conditions Wind Visibility Clouds Condition
> >
  Updated: ( / ) All times UTC