200, 'height' => 200)); // Create an instance of XML_SVG_Group. Set the style, transforms for // child objects. $g = new XML_SVG_Group(array('style' => 'stroke:black', 'transform' => 'translate(100 100)')); // Add a parent to the g instance. $g->addParent($svg); // The same results can be accomplished by making g a child of the svg. // $svg->addChild($g); // Create and animate a circle. $circle = new XML_SVG_Circle(array('cx' => 0, 'cy' => 0, 'r' => 75, 'style' => 'fill:green;stroke-width:3')); $circle->addChild(new XML_SVG_Animate(array('attributeName' => 'r', 'attributeType' => 'XML', 'from' => 0, 'to' => 75, 'dur' => '3s', 'fill' => 'freeze'))); $circle->addChild(new XML_SVG_Animate(array('attributeName' => 'fill', 'attributeType' => 'CSS', 'from' => 'green', 'to' => 'red', 'dur' => '3s', 'fill' => 'freeze'))); // Make the circle a child of g. $g->addChild($circle); // Create and animate some text. $text = new XML_SVG_Text(array('text' => 'SVG chart!', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'style' => 'font-size:20;text-anchor:middle;')); $text->addChild(new XML_SVG_Animate(array('attributeName' => 'font-size', 'attributeType' => 'auto', 'from' => 0, 'to' => 20, 'dur' => '3s', 'fill' => 'freeze'))); // Make the text a child of g. $g->addChild($text); // Send a message to the svg instance to start printing. $svg->printElement();